Monday 15 April 2013

My dreams of violet...sea of purple..


It seems like forever since I attended this blog..Hafez is now reaching 11 mths old and attending nursery while the maid is away..he is so active and playful..yet extra energy needed to layan him..:)

Today I just feel like putting up some pictures of Lavender of my favorite flowers on earth..the view softens and cools my heart...owhh sooo beautiful..

Wish I can sing and dance, golek golek kat lavender farm nih...

Subhanallah...keindahan ini milikMu jua..




Friday 6 July 2012

It's the thought that matter..

A newborn is always become the centre of attention, be it family or friends..and it also exhaust the mummy's time and energy to attend to its demands and hu..and less time will be allocated to her own..:-( ...and that's a mother's sacrifice..

Being a mother is a lifetime commitment and responsibility..a child's needs change and evolve with his age and this will be the challenges faced by all parents..

In this entry, I just want to share the goodies received by Baby Eidlan from friends and family..Thank you so much to all for the gifts, but most importantly the thoughts! Muah..muah..

The tiny lil baby is finally arrived, Alhamdulillah..


From the hospital..
I'm trying out my baby car seat..Tq aunties..

Days, weeks, months and years will be gone..but memories will remain...may all little things in life will make us happy and grateful for all the blessings we receive from Allah swt and the love from all the people around us..

Wednesday 4 July 2012

I'm a Boy..

23rd May 2012 was the day of joy and blessing to our family with the arrival of our cute, lil new family member, Eidlan Hafez who was born at 9.59 am, weighted 2.9 kg, at Raflesia Medical words can describe my syukur to Allah swt for His priceless gift..Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah ya Allah..

Though it was a bit chaos in the morning when initially I was supposed to deliver at KK Specialist but later was informed that my gynae had to fly to KL for urgent matter..Alhamdulillah we made a fast decision to move to Raflesia and syukur that the gynae in Raflesia was willing to accept my case despite her packed schedule..the pain/contraction went so fast that in between labour I have to call hubby for him to go into the labour room (he happened to go out for a while for drinks...huhu)..and Alhamdulillah it was a smooth, normal delivery...and voila, here I am..the third musketeer to my mummy n daddy...:-)

At the still tired and drowsy..2nd day ready to go home..
My happiest mummy..
My proudest daddy..

From mummy's office.. cheeks so pinkish..

Mummy's face soo..kembang..hee hee..

Nenek & me..

This is my first entry since this blog was taking some time for the very first post..hee hee..but macam best plak ada blog nie..ngeh2x..Happy reading and till the next entry..see ya and have a nice day everybody..